Monday, June 9, 2014

Chapter 8

(AN: I know its been waaay too long and I'm really sorry about that.... This chapter is not really finished, I really wanted it to be super long and I wanted to add some more to it, but I haven't had the time to finish writing it, so I decided to post what I had.  A VERY VERY SPECIAL THANKS TO LIZZIE, WHO HELPED ME WITH THIS CHAPTER. IF IT WASN'T FOR HER I PROBABLY WOULD BE STRUGGLING WITH IT STILL.. SO THANK YOU!! YOU ARE AMAZING.  Please Please Please comment and let me know if you guys are liking this.  I feel like I'm messing this story up :(... anyways... here it is..)

Nicki’s breathing was still uneven and heavy, while Drake stared at her flustered face.  Neither of them turned to look at Lauren, Nicki was way too embarrassed to do so and Drake was just too amused in seeing Nicki like this.  But the incident gave the him a sense of nostalgia sending him back in time, to when his mother walked in him and Nicki wrapped up in his sheets, making out- happy that his mother couldn’t see the places his fingers had explored that day.

Lauren stayed still, her mouth a little open at the sight before her.  She knew she should’ve turned around and waited for them at the living room, but quite honestly she couldn’t look away.  She was paralyzed in place, but wanted to break out in a run.

“Drake, get off!” Nicki struggled to push him off her, but he wasn’t having that.

“I don’t recall you asking me to ‘get off’ minutes ago” he said smugly and she hit him.

“Move, I’m not gonna repeat it” the seriousness of her tone made him smirk.

“I…” before he could even finish his sentence, he felt himself being pushed towards the floor, landing on his butt.  “Fuck,” he groaned and rolled over onto his stomach.

Nicki stood up and gave him a small smile “I told you to move”.

After fixing her skirt she turned to her friend who had a rather amused expression on her face.  “I’m so sorry about this Lauren, I forgot that I told you to come over.” Nicki apologized and Lauren looked at Drake.

“Obviously,” she said and smirked to herself.  “I think you just got a little distracted.” Nicki’s body relaxed as soon as she heard Lauren’s playful tone. “Drake”

“Yeah?” he said in a deep voice.

“You can get up anytime you want.  I already saw your huge bulge, no need to hide it now.”  Drake laughed at Lauren’s comment, before standing up and hugging Nicki from the back, pressing himself to her.

“Blame her”  He said and Nicki closed her eyes when she felt Drake’s arousal and the deep voice bellow out.  Suddenly, Drake turned her back around and kissed her deeply, completely disregarding the fact that they had an audience this time.  His lips moved hungrily against hers, allowing her to taste herself on his lips and tongue.  A small moan escaped her lips and as soon as she felt her body start to heat up, someone cleared their throat, and Nicki remembered why they had stopped in the first place. Lauren.

After abruptly pushing him off her, Nicki shot Drake a dirty look and turned back to her rather stunned friend.

“Oh shut up,” Nicki muttered and grabbed Lauren’s hand, pulling her out the small bedroom and into the living room.

“Ew,” Lauren shrieked and snatched her hand out of the small grasp.  “Nicki don’t touch me with those hands… Who knows what you have been doing with them” Nicki heard Drake’s laughter and it made her blood boil.

“Teasing” Drake said and Nicki yelled back at him.

“The fuck are you still doing here? Get out of my house!”  Drake simply ignored her and turned to look at Lauren.

“To be perfectly honest, she hasn’t done anything with her hands, I did all the work” Directing his attention to Nicki, he winked “Thanks for… dinner” he said and licked his lips making Nicki cross her legs as he stood close to her.

“You’re an asshole,” she muttered only loud enough for him to hear.

"Dinner? She cooked for you?" Lauren looked between the two of them  Nicki's eyes went wide as Drake let out a mocking laugh.

"Yeah, she did. It was sweet too.  I wanted desert too tho."

"Sweet? What did she.." Lauren stopped as soon as her brain decoded Drake's innuendo. "Ugh! You guys are disgusting!"

Nicki glared at Drake again and pushed him to the door  "You may leave Mr. Graham"

"See you later... Mrs. Graham" He said and kissed her again.  Before Nicki even had time to react, let alone yell at him, he was out of her apartment. She was frozen in place, something in the way he said Mrs. Graham and the way he kissed her made her knees weak.

"Ehem" Lauren's voice made Nicki snap from her trance and turn around.  She kept her gaze on the floor as if that was going to block Lauren's presence.  She could feel her friend's eyes fixed on her.

"Care to explain?"


"He did what?!"  Lauren asked with shock once Nicki had finished telling the tale of what Drake called, making him dinner.  They were both sitting in the small sofa, since Lauren refused to go talk in the bedroom.  She couldn’t, not after knowing what had transpired before she walked in.

"Shh, Lauren lower your fucking voice, I'm sure the neighbors don’t want to know what Drake did."  Nicki chastised but Lauren waved her off.

"They probably do, anyways... What happened then?"

Nicki's cheeks turned a subtle shade of pink as her memory replayed everything in slow motion.

"I don't even know Lauren.” Nicki asked playing with her hands.  “One minute we were just teasing and grinding on each other and the next he was between my legs."

"So he gave you head?" She asked and Nicki nodded in confirmation, hiding her face with her hands. "What are you freaking out for? Nic, it’s not like it was the first time. Drake was your boyfriend, the first guy to ever get it on with you."  Lauren furrowed her eyebrows as she saw Nicki's troubled expression. "Nicki? It wasn't the first time he did that right?"

Yes, it was. It had been the first time she had experienced what it felt like.  Just thinking about it, her body was reacting to the sensations and feelings that were going to be forever engraved in her mind.  Was she about to let her friend know this? No.

"No, of course not" her eyes focused on her hands.

"Yes it was.  You are a terrible liar Ms. Maraj.” Lauren analyzed and it got quiet for a moment. “So...”

“So what?”

“You know what.”

“No, I really don’t.”

“Uhg, how did it feel?"

"I don’t know how to explain it, a couple of days ago, when he used his hands, it was grea..." She was cut off by Lauren

"What? When did he use his hands Nicki? For what?"

Nicki's eyes grew even wider as she realized she hadn't mentioned the shower incident to Lauren.  Standing up from the sofa she walked into her bedroom with Lauren following her.  Nicki thought she would see her panties on the ground but they were gone.

“He stole my panties,” she muttered to herself, Lauren couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“He what?” She asked for confirmation but Nicki simply ignored her, picked a black thong, an oversized t-shirt, her towel and walked towards the bathroom.

Lauren rolled her eyes at Nicki's attempt to swerve her questions.  She saw her take off her shirt before entering the shower and closing the curtain behind her.  After a couple of seconds Nicki’s bra and skirt were being thrown outside of the shower, landing on the floor.  Lauren sat down on the closed toilet while she heard Nicki fumble with the shampoo and soap bottles.

"You can’t ignore me Nicki,” Lauren reminded but all the sound to be heard after that was the running water.  “I'm waiting Nic.  What did Drake do with his hands?"  Lauren pressed and Nicki sighed, letting the water flow and fall on her skin relaxing her before she finally answered.

“He took me to heaven” she said imagining Drake’s hands on her and inside her body.  Touching her in all the right ways, knowing just what to do to please her.

“You know what, I’m just gonna go.  Do you babe, do you.” Lauren said and walked out the bathroom.


Hours of hard work trying to catch up with every project she had to turn in, caused Nicki to pass out in her bed.  Loud knocks interrupted her sleep.  Groaning she looked at the clock on top of her nightstand… 3:15 a.m. The only thing running through her mind being, ‘Who the fuck could be knocking at this hour?’ Her brain quickly played every worst case scenario, sending her into a panic.

Was it her mother?

Was it Lauren?

She grabbed her phone and checked for any missed calls, but there were none.  Her heart  calmed down a bit as she ruled out most of the scenarios.

Taking the cover off her body, she sat on her bed and stretched.   The loud knocks started again and she decided to get up so she could at least yell at the person responsible for disturbing her peaceful and much needed hours of sleep.  Slowly walking to the door she heard the knocks getting even more persistent.  Looking through the peephole she saw Drake and rolled her eyes.  She pulled the door open as far as the chain would allow and looked up at him.

“Drake, its 3:15 in the morning, what are you doing here?”  He couldn’t help to smile at her sleepy and whiny voice.

“Just open the door Nic” he pleaded and she sighed letting him know that he would be getting what he wanted.  The door then shut and the sound of the chain being undone followed, unlocking the door.  Nicki pulled it open revealing herself to him and Drake wasn’t prepared for what he was seeing.  She held the door open and stood in front of it, keeping him from going inside.

“I hope you have an excuse for this” he saw her move her mouth and he could hear her voice, but he was too busy looking at her to pay attention.  How did she manage to look so good with an oversized t-shirt and her hair all messy from sleeping?  “Drake, I’m talking to you”

“Are you gonna let me in?”

“No.   What do you want?”

“Come on, I wanna take you somewhere.”

“At 3:15 in the morning?”

“Uh, yeah.” He said plainly
“You are out of your fucking mind, and I’m going back to sleep” She walked inside and attempted to close the door, but he stopped her.  Stepping into her apartment, he closed the door behind him.

“I’m not leaving without you” he stated sternly.

“Fine, then make yourself comfortable, I’m going to bed” not even looking at him, Nicki walked towards her bedroom.  Before she could make it to the door, she felt him hug her from behind.

“Come with me, please?” He begged placing a kiss on the little weak spot she had on the nape of her neck.  Drake turned her around so she was facing him. “I won’t try anything, I promise.”  He said reassuringly and Nicki sighed with a frown.

“No, Drake.  I’m tired and if you haven’t noticed I’m not even completely dressed”

“You look perfect.  Get your keys, we are going out.”

Nicki grunted but did what he told her since there was clearly no way out of this.  Drake smiled when he saw her look for her keys and purse.

“I hate you so much right now.”

“You always hate me baby.”

“Don’t call me baby!” he laughed “Can I at least put some pants on?” Drake looked down to her smooth legs, the t-shirt she had on went down to mid-thighs.

“Do you have underwear?” she nodded “That’s enough, no need for pants.  Now, come on, let’s go” He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the front door.

 “Can you are least tell me where the hell we’re going?” Nicki asked as she locked the door.

"Nah, no need for you to know that"

As they made their way to Drake's car, Nicki felt the cold breeze and shivered.

"Fuck Drake, you could've at least let me put on some pants. I can feel my ass freezing"

Drake let her walk in front of him, his eyes focusing on her backside.  Nicki gasped when she felt his hand on her butt cheek as he gave it a light squeeze.

"Nah, you good. Its not frozen yet" he walked next to her.

"Do that again and I swear... " he cut her off.

"You swear what Nic? You don't like me touching you? Too damn bad" he opened the car's door for her and let her get in before lowering to be eye-level with her "This project or yours involves touching and.... I like touching you. So don't start with your threats, they don't scare me"

After closing, or slamming the door, he made his way to the driver's side.  She huffed when he started the car and drove without saying a word to her.

After a couple of minutes of driving in silence she turned to look at him.

"So you take me out of my house this early and then just decide not to speak to me?"

"Oh I can talk to you? I thought that was going to bother you too" his voice was filled with sarcasm causing her to roll her eyes.

"Just take me home Drake, Im tired and I'm not in the mood for this"

"Nah, that's not an option.  Why are you so tired anyways?"

"I stayed up trying to finish some stuff.  Your first project is almost done by the way. So yeah I was doing that" She yawned "Oh and didn't I tell you? Some asshole came over to my house uninvited and disturbed my sleep"

Drake just ignored her sarcastic comment "Check in the backseat... There's something for you there"

Nicki turned on the little light before unbuckling her seat belt and turning around to search for whatever he had for her.  She made a face at the mess he had inside his car.  There were clothes scattered all around the back seat.

“What am I looking for again?” Her eyes fixed on a small sized white bra on the floor, she could feel her temper rising, but she managed to stay quiet.  She obviously didn’t have the right to ask for an explanation.

“It’s a black notebook, ignore the mess”

Finally spotting the notebook she reached for it.  Turning back around she buckled her seatbelt again, but left the light on.

“What is this?” she was clearly confused

“Uh… it’s for your project. Didn’t I tell you I was gonna give you my side of things?” she nodded “Well there it is.  Gotta admit it’s not very well written, feel free to change it up a bit to make it sound smarter”

She gave him a small smile and opened the notebook, her eyes scanned the familiar handwriting.


“No problem.  I specified the moments” she nodded and read the title on the first page. ‘The Process of Kissing: Part One?’

Deciding to read it later at home, she closed the notebook and looked at him again.  He was looking straight ahead, his mind focused on the road.

“Where are you taking me?” he looked at her briefly and smiled.

“You’ll see”


“You can’t be serious right now.  I’m not getting out of this car” she crossed her arms.

“Yes, you are.  There’s no one here”

She looked at their surroundings.  He was right there was no one there. But then again, who went to the park at this time?

"I'm naked"

"No you are not. Now get out of the car, don't make me force you out"

Not waiting for her to respond, Drake opened his door and got out.  Walking a little, he looked back when he heard her door being opened.  He observed her as she got out of the car and made her way towards him.

"You could've let me put on some clothes" she sounded like a little girl and he couldn't help but smile.

"And miss this amazing view of you? Hell nah" he waited for her to catch up and grabbed her hand "Come on, lets walk"

Nicki looked at their intertwined hands and savored the moment, she missed this.  The feeling she would get everytime he held her hand, like it was meant to be that way.  Somehow she knew he wasn’t aware of the feelings he provoked in her.

They walked around the park hand in hand, a comfortable silence speaking for them.

“Why did you bring me here?” her voice was low, almost a whisper.

He shrugged “I don’t know” he waited a couple of seconds before speaking again “You don’t like it?”

“The park is beautiful.  It’s just a little too early for me to really enjoy it” Nicki said sleepily, and Drake kept her close to himself, keeping her warm.

“Here,” he said and let go of her hand before pulling off his hoodie.  She was a bit reluctant at first but Nicki took it and pulled it onto herself, and felt her fingers re-lace with his.

“Thanks” she said quietly.
“You’re welcome”

“Can I ask you something?” Nicki asked, while she kept her gaze on the floor.


It took her a couple of seconds to respond as gathered up a bit of confidence to ask what she wanted to know.

“Do... Do you miss me?”  she asked and watched the cloud of smoke drift from her mouth instead of looking at him.  Something inside her told her she shouldn't have asked that.  They were not trying to get together. The time they were spending together was just an agreement.

He knew what she meant, still he didn’t feel like answering “What do you mean ‘miss you’, you are right next to me” he let out a small chuckle, easing his nerves.

“No I mean, do you miss…” Nicki stopped walking and turned to look at him briefly before focusing on their intertwined hands. “...this... us.” she admitted.  She could feel her heart pounding as she waited for him to answer.  What was she doing?  Maybe it was the lack of sleep that was making her talk like this.

Drake focused on her face.  She had a pout on her face that he knew she didn’t even know she had.  Her eyes were fixed on their hands and her brows were furrowed.  Using his free hand he lifted her head, making her look at him.  She looked beautiful, the moon light slightly lighting up her features and eyes as she stared at him. Not saying a word he kissed her, keeping her hand in his.  It wasn’t rough or invasive, just a gentle and simple kiss.  He left his lips linger on hers for a couple of seconds before pulling away.  Nicki slowly opened her eyes, instantly being met by Drake’s.

“I would be crazy if I didn’t miss you Nic” he gave her a small smile, while Nicki's face remained serious  “Come on, lets go to the slides”