Sunday, August 4, 2013

Chapter 6

(AN: This chapter it's just... blah.  I hate it... and I STILL dislike this story.  Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy! Please, comment :)...)

Laying on her bed, he attempted to come out of his trance.   He had almost forgotten how sweet her moans were, like music to his ears.  Every face expression she made was in his mind and refused to leave.  Forcing himself to stop replaying what had just happened he stood up and looked around her small room. There were books everywhere, but other than that it was neatly organized.   He ran his hand through a painting on her wall and smiled.  'How long has she had this?' He remembered seeing that same painting years ago on her wall, when she still lived with her parents.  

His eyes traveled to the photos she had on her wall: one of her mother and one with her two brothers.  He looked down to the picture on her nightstand. She had her high school graduation cap and gown on, her smile was huge and her eyes were looking straight at the camera.  He knew this picture.
"Come on Nika, smile" Drake pointed the camera at her.  She pushed it away.
"No Drake! I look like a mess"
"You look perfect, smile" he pointed the camera at her again and she smiled. Click.
He had taken it.  He grabbed the frame to get a closer view, smiling at the memory. As he put the frame back in its right place, something else caught his attention, a small box on top of the nightstand.  Opening it, he sat back down as he took out the picture that hid inside.

He stared at the two teenagers smiling for the camera.  He was hugging Nicki from the back, his chin resting on her shoulder and her hand resting on the side of his head, holding him close.  A million things ran through his mind as he slowly turned the picture.  There it was.  Written in his handwriting: ''Love You, Nika"

She stared at herself in the bathroom’s mirror while she untangled her hair. The stress she had before entering the shower had completely disappeared and as much as she wanted to think that it was because of the hot shower, she knew better. It had been him. The way his hands had touched her naked body, his lips on hers and everything he had made her feel. It had been a long time since she had experienced something like that and, honestly, she needed it. He was doing what she had asked for, helping her with the project. However, she couldn’t help to be upset at the power he had over her. He was good and he knew it. Wrapping the towel around her naked form, she walked out of the bathroom and made her way to her room. She stopped at the door and saw him sitting on her bed, looking at a picture. Oh fuck. 
“What are you doing?” her voice startled him and he looked up to see her standing right in front of him. He saw her looking down at the picture he still had in his hands. 
“I just went back in time” he kept his eyes fixed on the picture, until she took it from him, placed it back in the box, closed it and put it back where it was 
“I wasn’t done looking at it”

“You really shouldn’t be snooping around my room” she walked into her small closet and gathered her underwear and clothes. 

“You shouldn’t have taken that much time in the shower, I was bored” she didn’t even have to look at him to know he was smiling. She walked out and saw him lying on the bed.

“Well, I would’ve been out earlier if I hadn’t been … interrupted” she stepped into her underwear struggling to keep her towel on. She looked up and saw him staring at her with a smirk on his face “Take off your clothes Drake” he lifted an eyebrow and she rolled her eyes “It’s all wet, genius. Take it off and put it in the drying machine for a bit before we leave” Her eyes never left his as he stood up and took off both his shirt and his jeans. Now it was her time to stare at him as he walked to the door. 
“Nicki.. my eyes are up here” 

“I know…. but I’on wanna look at your eyes” he laughed.

Moving closer to her, his hands grabbed her towel and pulled it off of her body.

Nicki gasped and covered her breast with her arms.  His eyes traveled down.

"Neither do I" he winked at her and stepped out of the bedroom, closing the door.


"Where do you wanna go eat?" He looked over at Nicki who was looking out the window before turning his gaze back to the road. "Nicki, I'm asking your something"

"Wherever you wanna go it's fine Drake" she answered without turning to look at him.  She didn't want to be here.

"It's pizza ok?" he looked at her again and she just shrugged.  Silence took over the space between them as he drove them to the nearest pizzeria.

"Are you ok?"

She didn't answer.  No, she wasn't.  She was embarrassed to say the least, how had she let things get so far?  Not only had he seen her naked, but he had touched her.  And not only did she let him do it, but she had allowed herself to enjoy his touch. 

"Is this whole thing going to be like this?" his voice broke her out of her trance and she turned to look at him.


"Are you gonna get mad at me every time I do something for this project?"  she huffed.

"No Drake, I'm gonna get mad every time you do something without consulting me"  she raised her voice a little and looked ahead "What were you thinking?"

"I was helping you relax... Babe" he kept his eyes on the road and smirked.

"Don't call me babe! And what makes you think that your actions helped me relax? They didn't!"  Lie.

"You looked relaxed to me"  his hand gripped the steering wheel "Your head against the wall and leg around my waist"

"Shut up Drake" he knew she was mad but he couldn't help to mess with her.

"Oh and lets not forget about your face and that sexy expression.  I could swear I heard you mo..." 

"Shut the fuck up" she said through gritted teeth.

"Why? You don't want to admit you enjoyed it? I even had to hold you after, make sure your legs didn't gave up on you" he said as he parked the car.

"Fuck you"

He turned off the engine and turned to look at her.

"When?" his hand went to her jean covered thigh "Now or later?"  He laughed when she pushed his hand away, got out of the car and slammed the door.  Drake saw her walk to the pizza place and locked the car before following her.  He entered the pizzeria and stopped at the counter to order a large extra cheese pizza and two Cokes.  Nicki was already sitting in a table at the back of the place, with a frown on her face.  He could feel her eyes burning a hole through his body as he walked to the table.

"Nicki, fix your face girl, I'm playing with you" he sat down "Pizza is gonna be ready in 15 minutes"

"You are so annoying Aubrey" he made a face at the name "What? You interrupted my shower, without my permission. Put your hands all over my NAKED body, without my permission. And took off my towel, without my permission... So I believe I have every right to call you whatever the fuck I want.... Aubrey"

"We are back to this?" he sighed "Nicki, you know that was part of the project.  Plus... it was fun" he smiled at her.

"Fun? How was that fun for you?  You didn't get anything out of it"  

"And? You did, that's enough.  Also, who told you I didn't get anything out of it?"

"Should I remind you that your waist was pressed against mine?" she felt herself blush "I could feel you through your pants"

"So what your saying is that because I didn't get a release I didn't get anything out of the situation?" she nodded "Nicki, I got to see the way your body reacted to me.  I heard you moan" his eyes met hers "I held you close while you came down of the sexual high that MY hands caused you.  I did get something out of it"

“You do that to every girl?” Please say no.

He honestly didn’t want to answer her.  “No” she gave him a disbelieving look “Well…. Not to every girl.  I mean, sometimes it’s necessary.  Gir...” he stopped talking when a young girl, who he assumed was the waiter, placed their food and drinks on the table “Thanks” the girl gave him a sweet smile and left. “Now, where were we?”

“You were telling me something about it being necessary” Nicki grabbed a slice of pizza and bit it.

“Oh yes.  Well sometimes it’s necessary to use different methods with girls.  Girls have an advantage over us guys”

“And that would be?”

Drake took a bite of his pizza and made a gesture with his finger as if to say ‘hold up’.  He drank some of his Coke, before putting it back in the table and looking at Nicki again.

“How many times can a girl cum?’’ Nicki choked and coughed. “You a’ight?” she nodded and he laughed “Let’s just talk about this some other time”

“No! Go ahead, I’m very interested in knowing this” he gave her a small smile and rose his eyebrow “I mean, it could be great insight… for the project”

“Right, well, as I was saying, girls can… reach their sexual high more than once.  It’s our job to make sure they get there as many times as it’s possible.  That’s why we use our hands and you know, other things”

Nicki was about to say something back when she noticed a girl walking towards their table with an angry expression plastered on her face.  It took her a couple of seconds to figure out who she was.  The girl that sat on his lap, every single day, at the university’s cafeteria. Drake noticed Nicki staring at something and followed her gaze, only to meet Kate's furious eyes looking down at him.

“Drake” her voice was surprisingly calm.

“Sup’ Kate”

“I’ve been calling you babe” she looked at Nicki, who was eating her slice of pizza in silence. 

“Oh” Drake searched his pockets for his phone but didn’t find it “My bad, I must have left it at Nicki’s apartment”

“What were you doing at her apartment? I thought you had some ‘homework’ to do” she said making air quotes. 

“She is the one helping me with them” his voice sounded annoyed “I’m kinda busy here, I’ll call you later”


“Later, Kate” the look on his eyes let her know she shouldn’t keep pushing the topic. She gave him and Nicki a dirty look and left.  Nicki watched her as she got out of the pizzeria and into a car, the same mad expression on her face.

“I think you are in some trouble playboy” she looked at Drake momentarily and sipped on her drink.  "How did she even know we were here?." He just shrugged.

“The girl that brought us the food is her friend, she probably called her... She is not usually like that, she has been a little… stressed lately. She says I have been distant, which is true.  I mean, thanks to someone who doesn’t let me be close to her" he gave her a look and she laughed.

“So she is stressed because you haven’t been having sex with her?” he nodded “Aw tell her I'm sorry....and you better keep it that way” The thought of him helping that girl ‘relax’ was eating her on the inside, but as always, she wasn’t going to let him know that. 

"Are you done eating? I have a lot of work I have to finish”

“Yeah, let's go" 


"How's your mom?" He didn't take off his eyes off the road.

"She is okay, thanks for asking" she stopped for a minute debating if she should keep talking "she actually asked about you the last time I went to visit"

"Forreal? What did you tell her" he stopped at a traffic light.

"That you were..... Fine"

He missed her family.  Mama Carol was the sweetest woman he had ever met, besides his mom.  When him and Nicki started dating, she was always supportive of their relationship.  Her food was amazing too.  Jelani and Micaiah were like his brothers, always teaming up with him to make fun of Nicki.  A smile appeared on his face and he soon realized that it had been way to long since he had talked to them.

"I saw the picture of Micaiah that you have on your wall.  He looks all grown up" Nicki made a face.

"Ugh, he is! Last time I was there he told me he had a girlfriend.  A fucking girlfriend!" She scoffed loudly and he couldn't help to laugh, same old Nicki.

"Well Nicki, he is growing up.  You can't expect him to be your little lambchop for ever" 

She looked at him briefly and a smile appeared on her face at the fact that he remembered how she called her little brother.

"I know, but he doesn't even let me call him that anymore" he looked at her for a brief second and saw her pouting. 

"Can I ask you something?" 


"Why are you doing this?" She knew what he was talking about. "You swore you would never talk to me again, and now not only are you talking to me, but you asked me to be part of this project.  Must be important"

"First of all, I never swore I would never talk to you.  Stop the dramatics. And yes, it is important.  I could get a scholarship to finish my studies if I nail this project"

"I get you... I mean, if I lose my basketball scholarship, I'm not gonna be able to keep on studying" she gave him a small smile even though his eyes were looking straight ahead.

"Don't worry.  You'll pass those classes, I'll make sure of it". It was silent for a minute until she spoke again "I really need this scholarship" she looked down at her hands that were resting on her lap.   "Right now, I'm struggling so much just to survive" he could hear the struggle in her voice and mentally kicked himself for not being there for her.  He had screwed up they relationship.  He had promised he as always gonna be there, and he broke that promise way too soon.  One of his hands left the steering wheel and reached for hers.  Perfect fit.

"And you are gonna get it, I'll make sure you kick ass with this project... I promise" and this time, he was gonna make sure to keep that promise.


''You should really stop staring at my ass Drake""  Nicki said as she walked in front of him.  She took out the key of her apartment and opened the door.  Drake stepped in after her.

"Girl, I've been staring at your ass since it started developing in middle school'' she chuckled.  It was true.  

"Boy, get your phone and get out of here, I have work to do"  

Drake found his phone on the couch and walked towards the door, Nicki followed him and stopped at the door. Turning around, his hand cupped her face, a smile on his face, mirroring hers. 

"Don't stress yourself so much"  she rolled her eyes.

"Drake, stop acting like my caring boyfriend and just leave" His eyes found hers, his smile never leaving his face as he leaned in and pecked her lips.  One.  Two.

"Who says I'm acting.... Nika"


  1. fhjdahfjdahdfjk my feels. Ugh, Nicki is gonna make me punch her in the throat. She needs to stop playing hard to get with my Aubrey & did you ever touch on why they broke up because I don't remember. Him looking at their picture made me smile because he misses her. Nicki needs to just be out with her feelings but I understand why she's not because he's such a playboy lol but seriously, he needs to chill out with alladat. but since it adds a great plot twist to the story, I'm not gonna complain. I just wish they would talk. Air out all of their problems, their feelings, everything. And Kate needs to get her life lol.

    I hope Aubrey keeps his promise to Nicki because I know it would break her heart if she lost her scholarship but Drake seems sincere with his promise so maybe it'll all work out.

    I don't know why you hate this post. You dont know how long i've been waiting for you to update this! it was good as usual and update soon.

  2. Dude why did you stop, like why!!!!!!?????? I need more you betta post asap or else i will cry.

  3. Love, love, love! I don't know how you can hate these stories! I love them! Pls post soon!

  4. You hate these stories because? Oh I know the answer because you're crazy. I freaking love this and the only thing about this chapter that I hated was that it ended. Post soon please!!!!

  5. *pimp slaps u*How u gon' say u hate this perfection?!OMG this chapter-this story!My fave.*slayed4days*#THESOUTHAFRICANGAL

  6. I wish Nic Would Just Let Her Guard down with him. But he mustve done something that made her build them up. Im kinda of curious as to what happened to them. What happened that caused them to break up? I Know drake will keep this promise. But i feel like he would do something. Like have sex with his girlfriend and jepordize everything. I dunno. I just feel like that could happen. I feel Like Shes Slowing letting her walls down tho. So thats good. Then end of this for me was kind if tear jerking. When they were talking about their studies. And how shes struggling.

    There was absolutley nothing wrong with this post or this Story. You've been doing amazing. & i've been waiting for you to post! And im glad you did! So thanks for that! Faboulous job Darling!

  7. You shouldn't hate any other this your writing & plot >>>>>

    But i hopes he keeps his promise.. I love love this story !

  8. YESSSSSSSSSSSSS SLAY WITH THIS STORY . This is amazinggggggggg I fuckin love it omg . Why do you hate it ? This is one of my favorite fanfics of all time .

  9. Okay so this is such a great story I love it soooo much I just caught up and nicki know she wants the D lol damn that Kate chick was pissed lmfaoooo ha welp I can't wait til the next add please add soon

  10. OMGGGGGG I loved this!!! Idk why you hated it! :O I mean, I know I say stuff like that but I actually have a reason -.- lol
    Your writing is >>>>>>> Seriously.
    I can't wait to see where this goes, it was perfect! Thanks for posting and sorry my comment was a million years late :(
    Please post soon! :))
