Saturday, August 17, 2013

Chapter 7

(AN: This chapter really didn't want to be written... It got accidentally deleted twice... so this is not really how I originally had written it... but I figured I'd just post it before it gets deleted again.  Didn't have time to proof read sorry... You all know how I feel about this story... no need to say it again.  ENJOY! COMMENT, PLEASE! < it makes me happy.)

"I already told you it’s okay Lauren" Nicki kept her phone trapped between her ear and her shoulder as she put everything she needed on her bag "Really, don't worry. Take care of everything you have to do. I'll just catch the bus" she glanced at the wall clock of her living room: 6:45am “Just come over this afternoon, we NEED to talk. Love you" she hung up and sighed.
Lauren had just called telling her she wasn't going to be able to pick her up for the university, at moments like this she wished she had her own car. Of course, she couldn't afford it. To make the situation worse she was already late. Her first class was at 8:00am and she had to meet with a guy, whom she was helping with a class, to give him a project he had given her to do.

She grabbed her bag, the binder with the project, her keys and headed for the door. Her bad humor got the best of her and she opened to door rather forcefully causing her to almost crash into someone.

“Whoa! Easy there” she looked up and saw him standing there, two cups of coffee in his hands.

“Damn Drake, you scared me”she turned around and closed the door, locking it with her keys “What are you doing here?”

“I came to bring you some coffee” he said holding her cup up and handing it to her. She looked at him for a brief moment before taking the cup from his hand. “With milk and two of sugar, just the way you like it.
Why was he doing this?

“Thank you” she looked at him again and gave him a small smile “I’m sorry, I’m already running late” she tried to walk pass him but he blocked her.

“Late for what? It’s 6:50 Nicki, what time does your class starts? 8:00?” she nodded “How are you ‘late’?”

“Not all of us have a car Drake. That means some of us still have to take the bus sometimes” she walked pass him trying not to drop everything she had on her hands. He grabbed her by her arm and made her turn around.

“Gimme that” he grabbed her bag “Come on, I’ll give you a ride”

“I don’…”

“It wasn’t a question Nicki” he said cutting her off. She decided not to say anything and just walked to his car. Honestly, she really did need the ride so she wasn't gonna complain. Drake opened the door for her before going around to the driver’s side.

“Since when are you such a gentleman?” she asked once he started the car.

“Always been, baby girl” he winked at her. He saw her sip on her coffee and close her eyes as she savor the taste, a small chuckle escaped his lips. Same old dramatic Nicki.

“Oh!...I need to go to the library first, sorry”

“No problem”

Nicki drank her coffee in silence, looking at him occasionally.

“Thanks. For the ride and…the coffee, You shouldn't have bothered”

“Anytime. Do you always take the bus?”

“No. Lauren usually takes me, but she was busy today”

“How is Lauren? I mean I see her at the university all the time, but she still gives me a death glare anytime we run into each other”

“What did you expect?” she laughed “She is my friend. And believe me I’ve told her enough things about you to get her to dislike you” her smile never left her face, even though she was dead serious.

“Oh word? And you admit it to my face?” she chuckled but didn’t answer. A comfortable silence took over until he spoke again “I like your outfit” she looked at him “I’ve always loved how those flowy skirts look on you”

“Thank you”


“Here you go, Jason. It’s a B+ project as you requested” she handed the binder to a small guy “If you have any problems with the project or the grade is not the promised one, let me know and I’ll give you full refund”

“Ok, thanks Nicki. I know it was short notice but you are saving my life with this” he took his wallet out and handed her the money, which she happily took.

“No problem” she turned towards Drake who had been standing behind her the whole time. “You didn’t have to wait for me Drake; I can walk to the classroom by myself”

“I wanted to” he grabbed her bag, both walking out of the library “How much did he pay you?”

“$100. It’s just one project not a class. Those are more expensive”

“How much do I have to pay you?” She shook her head.

“Nothing, we made a deal. You are helping me with my project and I’ll help you”

Drake just nodded but made a mental note to find out how much she charged for class. He was going to pay her even if she didn’t want him to.

“How's the project going?” she made a face.
“It's... I don't really know. Right now it's all over the place to be honest. I'm just hoping it gets better as we advance”

“We haven't really done anything yet Nicki, it'll get better” they stopped talking when they reached her classroom. “Well, I have practice today at 2:15. It’s gonna last about an hour and then I’ll give you a ride home”

“Oh no! Don’t worry, really, I’ll take the bus”

“No you won’t, Nicki. It’s on my way to my place, I can take you” he handed her the bag. “You can come to the court and wait for me” he walked closer to her “Like old times”


“I’ll wait for you at the library”


Her entire day was spent in class and her lunch break on the library. Partly because she wanted to start an assignment she had and also cause she didn't feel like sitting in the cafeteria and watch him interact with his friends, including Kate. Especially considering she didn't have Lauren there today to give her support. Her phone vibrated indicating she had a new text.

'Dnt forget'

Something inside her was telling her to stay right where she was, sitting at the library's table that she had claimed as her own for the day. But she wanted to see him play. She knew how passionate he was about basketball, how hard we worked to earn his spot on the university’s team. He used to tell her all about his dreams ever since they were just kids.

Standing up she gathered her things and walked out.

She could hear the player’s voices as she got near the gym. Quietly opening the door, she found a spot at the bleachers and sat down. A smile crept to her face as she watched him move around the court. He wiped the sweat forming on his forehead with the back of his hand and licked his lips. Could this be considered sexual interaction? Because he wasn’t even touching her, hell he hadn’t even seen her, but she felt that familiar feeling between her legs. Nicki crossed her legs to try and pacify it a little. It wasn’t working.

Reaching for her bag, she searched for her notebook and her pen. Quickly writing the exact feelings she had at that moment and exactly what had caused it. If she couldn’t get rid of the damn feeling between her legs, she might as well use it for her advantage on the project.

“I didn't think I'd see you here” Nicki closed her notebook and looked up to meet Drake's eyes staring down at her.

“Didn't you invited me?” he sat next to her. She looked at his sweaty face and suppressed a small moan from coming out. He looked so sexy to her. “Are you done?”

“Yeah, lemme go change and I'll come get you so we can leave”


“Nicki, I already told you I was gonna take you an...” she cut him off.

“No, I mean, don't change”

Just like old times. He grinned.

“Let's go.


“Can I use the bathroom?” he needed an excuse for her to invite him in.

“Sure” she opened the door and let him in “You know where it is”

Her phone started ringing and she went to her room to take the call as Drake found his way to the bathroom.

“Yes I understand Mr. Jonhson” Nicki paced back and forth on her room listening to the man on the other line “I know. I’ve just had a rough month. I promise to have the rent money by the end of the week” she hung up the phone and sat down on the bed staring at nothing in particular. How was she supposed to get $400 by the end of the week? She could feel her head starting to hurt. She had 3 projects she had to do for other people, including Drake’s. Still, the money she was going to get from those wasn’t enough and she already owed money to Lauren.

Drake stood at the door looking at her, he hadn’t heard her conversation, but just by looking at her he knew it wasn’t good news. Her eyes were fixed to the wall, lost in her thoughts, a frown on her face.

“You okay?” her eyes focused on him and she nodded.

“Yeah, just…stuff. Don’t worry about it” her eyes wondered down his body and she unconsciously smiled. He noticed.

“What are you smiling for?” He entered the room and stood right in front of her.

“Just… went back in time. I hadn’t seen you play basketball in a long time, you have improved a lot”

“Thanks…… it was nice seeing you there watching me”

“I always loved watching you play, there’s something sexy about the way you concentrate so hard on your game” she stood up and walked towards her dresser leaning back on it, her eyes finding their way back to Drake. “It has always been a turn on for me” Where was all this coming from? Maybe it was all the newly added stress and the need to concentrate on something different than her problems, but she didn’t feel like stopping now.

“Oh?” he just smirked at her and walked closer. Nicki looked up and down his body, his red and white basketball shorts and t-shirt looked good on him.

“Yes. Maybe it was my teenager hormones driving me crazy, but I always found the way you sweat sexy” she took a step forward, her eyes on his chest “and the way you smell, just you... No perfume needed.....Used to turn me on so much”

“And you didn’t tell me this back then?” she shook her head no “I could’ve done something about that” she just shrugged, her finger tracing a random pattern on his shirt.

“I learned to take care of it myself”

“Oh word?”

Nicki wrapped her hands around his neck and brought his head down. Her mouth close to his ear “Word” she placed a kiss on his neck.


“Mmm?” she kept kissing his neck, her lips eventually grazing his weak spot. She nibbled his earlobe before going back to place small kisses on his jawline, her hands wrapped securely around his neck, keeping him in place.

She let go of him and pushed him towards the bed. Drake just stared at her confused as he sat down. This was definitely not the Nicki that was a mess a couple of days ago when he kissed her. And he would be lying if he said he wasn’t intrigued by her actions.

“You know….” She straddled him, her skirt riding up “I still haven’t asked you what your favorite position is” she pushed him down, so he was laying down looking up at her as she sat directly on top of his crotch “But then I remembered…” she lowered herself and kissed the corner of his mouth before whispering in his ear “You love this one” She slowly moved her hips in a circular motion against him.

“Fuck…” his hands automatically went to her thighs. She smirked before placing her hands on his chest and pushing herself back up, her hips never stopping her movement. He looked up at her, a mocking smile on her face as she moved back and forth.. Her covered center making direct contact with his shorts covered manhood.

It didn’t take long for her to feel him rising up under her. Feeling accomplished she got off of him, leaving him even more confused “Well that was easy” she gave him a sweet smile.

Oh hell no.

He sat up and looked down at his erection. Nicki laughed and got up, fixing her skirt in the process. As soon as she tried to walk away, Drake pulled her by the waist and laid her back in the bed, immediately finding his place between her legs, one on each side of his body. His hand moved down her leg, caressing it before hooking it on his arm and pushing down on her. She gasped at the feeling of his erection pressing against her.

“And I know you like this one Nicki” it was his turn to whisper on her ear “Don’t play with me Nic” his hand moved up her skirt “Cause you’re gonna lose” he thrusted his hips against her again causing her to let out a small moan.

Drake kissed down her clothed body, starting with her neck and stopping on her thighs. Nicki kept her eyes closed, allowing herself to just feel. He kissed the inside of her thighs, placing her legs over his shoulders. He could feel Nicki’s heavy breathing as his mouth left a trail of small kisses until he reached her center. He took in her scent a placed a small kiss over her panties. Nicki’s hands immediately reached down and pushed his head away.

“No, Drak…” he cut her off

“Shh” his hands went to the hem of her underwear and pulled it off, he removed her legs from his shoulder for a second as he completely took them off, leaving on her skirt. Repositioning himself between her legs, his mouth repeated the same actions. He felt her tense up as his lips made contact with her pussy. She smelled so good. He forced himself to take it slow; he wanted her to enjoy this as much as he was going to. Only small kisses were placed for the first couple of seconds, giving her time to adjust to what was going on. He licked the inside briefly. Once. Twice.

Nicki’s breath hitched, and she bit her lip to prevent any sound to come out of her mouth, her hands clutched at the bed sheets. His hands found their way to her center, massaging and caressing her. Drake pushed his tongue back in, this time with more force and as deep as he could. Nicki moaned loudly and backed up attempting to get away from his touch; his hands stopped the movement on her pussy and moved to hold her in place. His mouth taking all of her, tasting her. It was the sweetest thing Drake had ever tasted, she was like a little piece of heaven.

Nicki couldn’t think. What was happening? She could feel Drake’s mouth doing wonders on her, his tongue coming in and out of her hard and fast. Her eyes rolled back and she prepared herself for what was about to happen when she suddenly felt Drake lifting his head up from in between her legs. Her eyes shot open to see him staring at her, mocking smile on his face.

“The fuck you think you’re doing” her breath was labored.

“Payback” he tried to move but Nicki’s legs wrapped even tighter around her head, her hands pushed him back down to her center and he let out a chuckle “You want me to make you cum baby girl?” he blew on her swollen lips, getting a moan in response..

“Don’t try me Drake”

“Say it” his tongue fondled at her soft flesh.

“Dra..” She tried to move her hand to her center, but he pushed it away and placed a soft kiss on it instead. He wanted to finish this, he craved to taste all of her, but he was determined to make her say what she wanted. “Please”

“What do you want Nicki?” he could see and smell her wetness.

Her hands pushed his head down again with more force this time and moved her hips up to meet his mouth. His self-control reached his limit as he started eating her again, hearing her moan his name over and over again. He felt her body writhe as she reached her orgasm, her hips moving against him mouth as she rode it out and he drank all of her. He licked her clean before making his way back up her body, their fully clothed bodies making contact with one another. Drake could feel the heat coming from her and he took his time to observe her. Sweaty forehead and heavy breathing. His hand made his way up the side of her thighs inside her skirt and she wrapped her leg around his waist bringing him closer.

Something about what he had just done was different for him. This wasn't just any girl, this was Nicki. The girl he had loved with everything inside him. Having her this close to him, her body still trembling a bit from his previous actions made him wonder what the fuck had happened between them. Why wasn't she the only girl he held in his arms after pleasing her? It felt right.

His smile mirrored hers and he placed a small kiss on her lips, the first one in the entire evening. She let out a content sigh, her hands reaching up to play with his curls.

“Fuck, Drake. Where did you learn that?” his smile disappeared and she shook her head “Wait, no. Don’t tell me” She looked to the side avoiding his gaze. He used his free hand to turn her head back, his eyes traveling from her lips to her eyes and back again. And he kissed her; hard. His tongue gained entrance to her mouth, intertwining with hers almost immediately. She could taste herself on him and for a strange reason that turned her on. They broke apart to breathe and just stared at each other for what seemed to be an hour. Nicki kissed him softly, moving lazily against his mouth, her hips moving again against him.

They were so focused on their current task that neither heard the front door opening.

“Nicki, where are youuuu?” before they could react, Lauren stood at the bedroom door looking at both of them. Drake lying on top of Nicki with her legs wrapped around him, her underwear on the floor. “What the fuck?!”



  2. I'm so FUCKING MAD that you ended it there!!! UGH!!! I was wondering why Nicki was acting like that too she's such a tease. That little scene with drake and her girl I had to cross my legs I had chills (maybe it's because i got the fan on while reading this idk). Aww poor Lauren and her eyes. What a sexy way to be greeted at a door though. You wrong for ending the chapter like that. I still don't know why you don't like these stories but I do and so does thousands of other people POST SOON!!!!

  3. Oh! SHIT!!!!! Lmfaooooooooooo.... This is going to be awks and the fact that she has to explain this it Lauren! I can't this is too funny! Good Luck Nicki!

    Post Soon Please!!!!!!!


  4. Omg whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy . You are killing me girl. Listen I'm fucking here for this story . You are just great . This story plot always on so manyyyy levels. Why do I feel like Lauren is gonna rip Nicki's head for not telling her and I feel like she gonna give drake a hard ass time . HA! I can't wait for the next chapter babe. Keep up the great work . ❤❤❤

  5. I love this story but when will you update the other one? I loved that one. But this is spectacular! Please update both if you can but especially this one because that ending has got me ready to jump over my kitchen table right now!

  6. Oop�� omg Lauren hahaha EXPOSED lol add soon y u have to stop there tho I'm upset bumpz

  7. Awe man you had to stop it right there. But I love this story. That's what Nicki gets she shouldn't start anything she doesn't want to finish. They are so cute to me. But he's sweet for bringing her coffee and wanting to take her to class. Wonder what's gonna happen since Lauren walked in on them. Amazing update :)


  9. 0___0 OMG are you serious lauren walked in on them o god i know thats soooo embarrassing and i can't wait for the them to actually have sex or if nicki will even let him. Why did they break up any way ????????

  10. *gasps forever* Ohhh myy godddd!! I REALLY love this fic, I don't understand how you could dislike it :( Honestly you're a an AMAZING writer!! & This chapter was everything!! I loved it! And omg the ending!!!! I can't wait for the next chapter!

  11. Oh dear Lord, you can't do this to your readers! Lead them on and stop when things get insanely interesting♥Phenomenal story!

  12. COME BACK and finsh this here story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. I reread this like every other day. I wish we could get a new chapter :((((((

  14. Pleaseeeeeeeee update are u on Wattpad ?
